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Six year old destroys rooms with fire

Monday January 20 turned into a bad day for Paul Binas and Molly David of Audie Steet when their back rooms were almost totally destroyed by a big fire that was started by their 6-year-old granddaughter.

EDEN PARK – “At 14:00 we were sitting in the shade of the car port to escape the midday heat. My granddaughter was playing around and I did not notice when she went into the back rooms and played with a box of matches, which I don’t even know where she got it from.

“The room she was playing in was stacked with stored furnishings. The little girl came out after some time and said something, but nobody took notice because everybody was busy talking.

“We noticed smoke coming out of the first room and when we entered, the whole room was already in flames. The fire was quickly spreading to the adjacent room,” explained Paul Binas.

Paul said that his neighbours and patrons jumped in to fight the fast-spreading fire. The stored furnishings was destroyed by the fire, a great loss for the unemployed father.

“I phoned the fire department but they only arrived after one and a half hours. By then, my kind neighbours and friends had already put out the fire. I thank all the people who helped,” said Paul.

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