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WATCH: Bus stop on Redruth Street in disrepair and possibly a danger

The CPF believes the people using the building might be a danger to passersby.

ALBERTON CPF has raised concern about the old disused bus stop on Redruth Street across from Alberton City.

The CPF visited the building during their patrols on February 9 to find the building vandalised and being used by people off the street as shelter.

According to Pieter Schreiber, chairperson of Alberton CPF, the windows of the building has been removed and most of the steel in the building was removed. There was evidence that the safe contained in the building was in the process of being removed as well.

“We are concerned that the people using this building for shelter is potentially dangerous to people walking past the building,” said Schreiber. The CPF has taken the matter up with police during their monthly CPF meeting and SAPS said that they would look into their concerns.

Ward councillor for the area, alderman Bruna Haipul, shares the CPF’s concerns regarding the building. According to her, she has taken this matter up with the real estate department and the matter has been taken up with various other departments.

At the moment the intention for the building seems to be to lease it out to create a licensing drive through. There is, however, at the moment no clear indication when this will happen. “I hope it happens soon,” said Haipel.


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