
Sent from pillar to post

The licensing department in Bosworth Street, Alrode, is an absolute nightmare.

It is with great frustration that I write this letter, caused by the total incompetence and ineptitude of staff at the Alberton Licensing Department.

The licensing department in Bosworth Street, Alrode, is an absolute nightmare.

To start off with, there is no way to know where to go, where to queue, if you should get a number, etc, and there is absolutely no assistance given to direct the public to the correct division to make the process just a little better, the way it should be.

My ordeal started on Monday, July 25, and lasted a week.

Doing my civic duty, I went to the post office to do what should be a very simple thing…to renew my car licence.

The post office told me there was a problem and that I needed to go to the licensing department.

After waiting more than half an hour, I was told I cannot renew my licence disc as there are outstanding fines and that they will not be able to issue mine unless the fines have been settled (withholding a licence for this reason is illegal by the way). I was advised that if everything had been paid they would issue me with my renewed licence disc.

I agreed and said I would pay the outstanding fines plus the fee for the renewal. After paying an amount of R1 195, he printed out a piece of paper and said he was unable to assist me as my vehicle must first go through roadworthy tests and advised me that I could come back and won’t have to wait in line again. I then went to the testing station situated at the department and was told that I had to pay R180 for the roadworthy test, then go back and stand in a line again to pay for the roadworthy test and then another R72 for the certificate to be issued.

When I took the car for roadworthy tests it was as if they had no respect for my car that I own and pay. He took the car and drove off, even spinning the car. After the test, I had to go back to the consultant to get the licence disc printed and had to wait another half hour as the consultant/teller who sent me from pillar to post said I must go back in the line as it’s a different day. I’m sure I will not be the first to complain, neither the last. This is pathetic, not to mention the emotional trauma they caused me.

We are human beings not just a number, our money is good enough but when we ask for assistance it’s too much trouble.

Irate citizen

The RECORD made several attempts to contact the Alberton Licensing Department, but none of the numbers on their website existed. Upon acquiring alternative numbers from a local resident, the phones just rang unanswered. The RECORD is also awaiting comment from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

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