
ATM safety tips

Alberton SAPS gives tips on safety.

COMMUNITY members are losing money at automated teller machines (ATMs) to criminals robbing people or fraudsters.

These criminals are quick in their actions and by the time you realise that you have lost cash or your card, they are long gone.

Here are the few tips that may assist our community members to use ATMs safely and not lose their cards:

1. If you must use an ATM, choose one that is located inside a police station, mall or well-lit location.

2. Withdraw only the amount of cash that you need.

3. Protect your PIN by shielding the ATM keypad from anyone who is standing near you.

4. Do not throw your ATM receipt away at the ATM location.

5. Be vigilant. Carefully scan the area for suspicious characters.

6. Do not be fooled by people who are well-dressed and eloquent.

7. Fraudsters often pose as custodians of the bank.

8. Emphatically refuse any assistance offered by any person.

9. Do not allow people to look over your shoulder or press any of the keyboard keys of the ATM whilst you are busy.

10. If you are remotely suspicious, postpone using the ATM until it is safer to do so.

11. If you suspect your card has been compromised, cancel it immediately.

12. Check the machine for any attachments – often the crooks would position skimming devices or pin-size cameras at the ATM to obtain your details.

13. If your card is not returned, check the ATM slot for a strip of X-ray material which is glued inside with the intention of trapping your card.

14. Do not allow your card to be swiped through any device.

15. Follow your card – this is one exercise which could save you thousands of Rands.

16. It takes a fraudster or a waiter two seconds to swipe your card through a skimming device in order to reproduce a cloned version of your card.

17. Ensure you are present to monitor the transaction at the point of sale device.

*Information provided by Alberton SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Phora Nkuna.

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