Watch: Zebra zips through savannah to escape hungry lion

It proved to be a lucky escape for a zebra as its pace and quick thinking helped it escape a predator in the Kruger National Park.

A lucky visitor to the Kruger National Park (KNP) has captured footage reminiscent of Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.

In the 2008 film by DreamWorks Animation, Alex the hungry lion mistakes his best friend, Marty the zebra, for a steak. His predator instincts kick in and he starts chasing his black-and-white striped pal.

In the film, Marty escapes thanks to King Julien and Maurice throwing a coconut at Alex’s head. In the savannahs of the Kruger, however, the zebra’s pace, rather than a tossed coconut, ensured it escaped being a meal for a hungry lioness.

Watch the chase in the KNP:


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