Just breathe: Five quick and easy breathing exercises to boost your health

Learn how to use breathing as a tool to improve your inner wellbeing.

Inhale and exhale – two automatic body functions that happen all day and night without us giving it much thought. And yet, when we stop and pay attention to our breathing, we can change the chemistry in our body, control our heart rate, reduce stress and improve quality of sleep.

Virgin Active shares five mindful breathing exercises to integrate into your daily feel-good routine. Always start  your breathing exercise with these two steps:

  1. Sit comfortably on a cushion or a chair, making sure your spine is neutral.
  2. Take a few natural breaths to centre yourself.

Meditate through mindful breathing: This type of breathing teaches you to simply be aware of your natural breathing rhythm.

Balance by equal breathing: Rooted in the ancient practice of Pranayama Yoga, this breathing teaches you to inhale and exhale for the same amount of time, making your breath smooth and steady.

Slow down through purse-lipped breathing: Regain your inner calm by slowing down the pace of your breathing:

Lower your heart rate with alternate nostril breathing: Known as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama in Sanskrit, the alternate nostril breathing practice for relaxation and balance can enhance cardiovascular function and lower heart rate.

Calm your mind with Sitali breathing: This Yoga-inspired breathing practice helps you lower your body temperature and calm your mind.

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