How to care for your baby’s fontanelles (soft spots)

Learn why fontanelles are important, how to care for them, when they close, and what to look for if you are concerned about them.

It’s completely normal to be a little worried about the soft spots on your baby’s head. They’re called fontanelles. Your baby’s head will have a few of them – especially at the top and back of the head – where the skull bones have not fused together yet.

Where are these soft spots?

The biggest soft spot is the anterior fontanelle on top and slightly to the front of your little one’s head. The second biggest is the posterior fontanelle, situated on the midline of the curved rear surface of the skull. There are also two much smaller ones on the sides of the head, but to most people, these are not even detectable.

Why do babies have these soft spots?

These soft spots give a baby’s head the flexibility it needs to squeeze through the narrow birth canal. After birth, they stay open long enough to accommodate your baby’s growing brain.

When will these soft spots close?

The soft spots won’t fuse until your baby is about two years old, says Dr Miriam Stoppard in her book New BabyCare. While your little one’s scalp covers these soft spots, make sure that you never press the fontanelles too hard.

How must I care for my baby’s fontanelle?


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