Police warn liquor outlets to comply with Covid-19 regulations

“People are too relaxed and are no longer complying with the Disaster Management Act,” said Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora.

Springs police have warned liquor outlets to adhere to Covid-19 rules as set out in the Disaster Management Act.
“All liquor outlets, licensed or not, must operate within the specified hours. If we find you operating after curfew, we will shut you down and you will be arrested.

Also read: Alcohol ban lift brings much-needed relief

“People are too relaxed and are no longer complying with the Disaster Management Act,” said Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora.
Ramphora added that people must be careful of travelling after curfew.
“If you must travel after curfew, go to your nearest police station and tell them your reasons for travelling. They will grant you permission to travel and provide you with proof of permission to do so,” said Ramphora.

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