Heat-wave no deterrent for golfers

Greenkeepers Revenge and Two Clubs at Pollak Park

Despite a weekend-long heatwave, the Pollak Park Golf Club was packed with golfers last weekend.
The highly disputed Greenkeepers Revenge on Saturday was the main event and drew in golfers from across Springs.
André Brummer and Eugene Botha cruised their way to first place with 47 points, followed by Gerhard Gibson and Ross McAllister who also finished the day with 47 points.

Also read: Results from Pollak Park Golf Club

In the Two Clubs fixtures, the results are as follows:
• Greg Palmer, hole 6
• Clemens van der Berg senior, hole 6
• Johan Venter, hole 17
• Clemens van der Berg, junior hole 4
• Simon Royce, holes 6 and 13
André Naude won the Sunday IPS competition with 39 points.

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