Another hijacking on the N12

Motorist hijacked while changing tyre on N12

The driver of a Volkswagen Golf was hijacked on the N12 highway last Monday afternoon when he stopped to change a tyre.
This is according to Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora.
The incident took place just before the Springs/Etwatwa off-ramp.

Also read: How to keep your baby and toddler safe in a car hijacking

A blue Vokswagen Polo with three men stopped behind the man and offered their assistance.
One of the men then pointed a gun at the victim and ordered him to get inside the car.
One of his accomplices continued changing the tyre.
Once they were done, they ordered the victim to drive while one of the hijackers sat in the back seat.
The other two followed in their car.
Arriving in Sundra, the hijackers, who had a speedpoint machine, demanded the victim hand over his bank card.
The victim was tied up with a cable and dropped off in a veld, with the hijackers fleeing in both cars.
After managing to untie himself, the victim reported the incident at the nearest police station.

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