
Top Things To Do In Golden Gate Highlands National Park

This park which won the award for the park of the year in 2016, is an incredible place to immerse in nature and explore the outdoors. It is also one of the very few parks in South Africa where walks can be taken alone without the fear of dangerous animal lurking in the bushes.

Golden Gate Highlands National Park nestles near the Lesotho border in the Orange Free State of South Africa. Incredible sandstone cliffs shimmer with hues of orange, brown, and yellow when the rays of the sun hit the mountains just right. It is a sight to behold, enticing people from around the world to experience this beauty for themselves. Incredibly, these sandstone cliffs are where 200 million-year-old dinosaur eggs were found – the oldest known find on earth.

But the sandstone cliffs are not all that the Golden Gate Highlands National Park has to offer. This park which won the award for the park of the year in 2016, is an incredible place to immerse in nature and explore the outdoors. It is also one of the very few parks in South Africa where walks can be taken alone without the fear of dangerous animal lurking in the bushes. You are most likely to see large herds of zebra, antelope, and even wild horses on walks, drives, and horse riding excursions.

  1. The Highlands Mountain Retreat remains the favorite choice of accommodation for visitors to Golden Gate Highlands National Park, nestling 2200 meters above sea level and commanding spectacular views. This luxury camp is a great choice for families, offering family accommodation, first class facilities, hiking trails, and horse riding experiences.
  1. The Cathedral Cave Walk is a hidden gem, beginning at the Noord-Brabant farmhouse and walking south for about 45 minutes, before entering the first cave. You have the opportunity to take photos and sit and admire the structure of the cave, before venturing into a deep pool of water which accesses a second cave. This tour is guided and is a must-see for all visitors.
  1. A lunchtime favorite is the Vulture Restaurant, offering a vulture hide where visitors can tuck into a sumptuous meal and have the rare opportunity to see Cape Vultures and the endangered Bearded Vultures scavenging on a carcass left for them to snack on. It is an extraordinary experience not to be missed when visiting the park.

Another popular attraction when visiting Golden Gate Highlands National Park include the Basotho Cultural Village where one can experience the lifestyle of the South Sotho, sample homemade beer and traditional dishes, engage in traditional games, and even consult with a traditional healer.

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