Residents educated about government services

“We have been receiving complaints from the residents about the lack of information they have about the relationship the police have with departments like home affairs and health.”

Duduza – Members of the police hosted a service delivery exhibition in Bluegum View last Thursday.

Different departments attended the event to help shed light on some of the services they offer.

Duduza police spokesperson Sergeant Harry Manaka says the event was held to educate the residents about the relationship between the police, courts and other departments.

“We have been receiving complaints from the residents about the lack of information they have about the relationship the police have with departments like home affairs and health.

“We also wanted to urge the residents to utilise the services of the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and ward committee members in their wards.

“Some of the cases we receive from the community can be easily solved by the two departments without seeking the help of the police or the courts,” he says.

Resident Maria Mahlangu says they appreciate the services being brought to the people.

“I have been struggling to fix the mistake on my ID for years and was sent from pillar to post by home affairs officials.

“But today I received assistance to where I should go to get the help,” he says.

She adds the services should be brought to the people regularly.

“There are many people who don’t have IDs but cannot afford to travel to Springs to apply for an ID,” he says.

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