Production aims to educate

Daveyton - Infinity Productions and the Daveyton Book Club hosted a stage production, Truth Untold, at the Daveyton Cheshire Home of the Disabled last Saturday.

The stage production sought to educate and raise awareness about sexual abuse and domestic abuse in the community.

Relebohile Mabunda, the script writer and producer of the production, explains that community members have lost their compassion for each other, which has resulted in abuse victims not trusting anyone and keeping their pain to themselves.

“I wanted to evoke the emotions of the audience with a raw production that tells a story of a young girl who is continuously sexually abused by her own father,” says Mabunda.

She continues to say that these are situations that some young women have to deal with and carry to the grave because of the fear of being judged and not knowing where to turn to for help.

Kwandile Skosana of the Daveyton Book Club says these are the type of issues they tackle and discuss with members of the book club.

“The book club is not only about reading but also aims to educate and inform people about the social issues faced by the community,” says Skosana.

Mabunda says the production company will continue to produce and entertain audiences with their educational stage acts on a regular basis.

“The case of abuse can not be reiterated enough in our community until there no more cases of rape reported,” says Mabunda

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