Rice Boy Foundation rappers

Local Hip Hop group Rice Boy Foundation formed their crew in 2011 at Wright Park, Springs. Chairperson Simphiwe Gumede says the group began they saw a need for local talent in the community to be nurtured. The group consists of 10 members who are all lyricists and rappers who write their own music. Gumede explains that their …

Local Hip Hop group Rice Boy Foundation formed their crew in 2011 at Wright Park, Springs.

Chairperson Simphiwe Gumede says the group began they saw a need for local talent in the community to be nurtured.

The group consists of 10 members who are all lyricists and rappers who write their own music.

Gumede explains that their lyrics are inspired by different social situations yet creativity also plays a major role.

“Our dream is to tour abroad and share our story” he says.

When asked how they stay grounded, Gumede says the crew motivates each other through writing to avoid substance abuse and other social pressures.

He adds that they have performed across Kwatsaduza, Soweto and Johannesburg sharing their craft with rap followers.

Gumede says they have combined their singles from 2011 to form a mixtape titled “Chopsticks” and they have also recently released a single called “Mr Party.”




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