Did you see those pants?

Which was worst? The pants or that leotard thing?

It hardly seems possible but after four years the Soccer World Cup is once again upon us.

As someone who has absolutely no interest in sport and no understanding of most sports, I wasn’t glued to my seat for the opening last night and I didn’t watch the own-goal that has everyone talking this morning.

I have, however, seen the photos and there are some real duds among the clothing choices on display.

While I don’t want to influence your opinions unduly, there are some costumes that really should have been questioned before they were put on bodies on a world stage. So today, I’m leaving the judgements to you. I’d love to hear what you thought of these and other items on display so mail me at samk@caxton.co.za or leave your comment here.

While I’m the first to admit that JLo has an amazing body, what was she thinking with this number? And did the tailor run out of fabric for PitBull’s pants? Not the best outfits either of them have ever appeared in.

Then there were the soccer balls – I assume:

And… the tree people and the flower people.


As I said, let me know what you thought.


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