Rethabile is the youngest soccer player in women’s league

Twelve-year-old Rethabile Modise is the youngest soccer player in the Sasol League.

Duduza – Rethabile Modise is proving that age is only a number.
The 12-year-old from Springs Home Sweepers is the youngest player in the Sasol Soccer League. The league boasts 144 players with 16 teams from every province.
The team’s technical director, Mkhonza Mkhonzana said he spotted the little girl’s talent when she was part of the Ekurhuleni team competing in the OR Tambo Soncini Games last year.

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“She was brilliant, caught my attention, and reminded me of Amanda Dlamini who was the Banyana Banyana team captain during the London Olympic Games.
“When I learned that she is from Duduza I knew she belonged in my team. I could see that she has a soccer brain.
“I approached her parents who are former soccer players and they agreed to move her to the Springs Home Sweepers,” he explained.
Rethabile started playing soccer at Duduza United FC at a very young age with the support of her parents.
Mkhonzana said he believes with the support of her parents the girl will one day be scouted by the international teams.
He is urging parents to be involved and support their children’s extra-mural activities.
Rathabile said her dream is to one day play for Banyana Banyana and represent the country against international teams.

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