Holiday soccer programme keeps boys busy

Keeping boys busy during school holidays

Tsakane – Prince Mtsweni says he has found a way to keep young boys busy and out of trouble during their school holidays.

Mtsweni, the founder of Kasi-4-Kidz Games, says the programme keeps children busy when they are not at school.

The programme includes soccer training and mini soccer tournaments.

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“I started the programme from an obvious need for most families in the community.

“School holidays do not have to be a nightmare,” explains Mtsweni, who is also the soccer coach.

After two years of running the programme, Mtsweni says it is gaining momentum.

“We would like private business to help us with funding so that we can have more participants.”

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The programme will be hosted at Mlandela Grounds and Old FNB Grounds, next to Tsakane Old Age Home, and cater to boys from 11 to 15 years old.

Registration has begun for the upcoming September school holidays.

Parents and other interested parties can contact Mtsweni on 078 704 0788 or head to the Brakpan Local Football Association office at Faranani Multipurpose Centre.

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