Boxing Indaba invitation

Kwatsaduza - The Ekurhuleni Boxing Organisaiton is calling on all those interested in the sport, to join them at their indaba on Saturday.

The aim of this gathering is to come up with ways of reviving boxing in the township.

“We invite all boxing coaches, former boxers, officials, veterans and supporters of the sport to our boxing indaba.

Read: Boxing club gets equipment

“There are many challenges we are facing, especially with regards to sport in our townships, hence we believe we can only resolve them if we are united.

“We also want to create a platform where we can come up with ways of taking the sport back to its former glory, in Ekurhuleni, when we had boxers competing at national and international level,” says deputy president of the organisation Hazert Hlophe.

Read: A boxing tournament for locals

He adds that the presence of all these parties will be important and highly appreciated as together more can be done to save the sport.

The meeting will take place at the KwaThema Community Hall on Saturday starting at 11am.

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