Aerobics to keep fit

Duduza – The Duduza Tshidisanang Community Project (DTCP) held an aerobics marathon on Saturday to celebrate Heritage Day.

The fitness session took place at the Duduza Multipurpose Centre, where community members came in their numbers to start the week on a healthy note.

Read: Video – Aerobics to keep fit

Tholakele Mlangeni, communication officer for DTCP, says they chose to celebrate Heritage Day through fitness in order to encourage a healthy lifestyle in the community.

She says on public holidays people normally entertain, but DTCP wanted to do something different that would engage the community in a positive way.

“As an organisation we want to put to rest the idea that exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle is expensive.

“There are aerobic classes offered in our community where locals are able to keep fit,” says Mlangeni.

Read: Aerobics keeps the body in top shape

The aerobic session ran from 8am until 2pm, with various instructors taking part to ensure that participants got a full-body workout.

Mlangeni says the event was also a fund-raiser for the organisation to enable it to host future events.

“I’m happy to see so many people coming to support such an initiative.

It shows that people are eager and interested in leading a healthy lifestyle,” adds Mlangeni.

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