United in soccer

KwaThema – African All Stars Football Club is getting ready for the upcoming ABC Motsepe League through intense training and playing friendly matches.

As a way of training, the newly structured team, comprising of player from Bolivia, Ace Auto Academy and the teams’ old players, played a friendly match against Secunda’s FC Zone Mavo at the KwaThema Stadium, last Saturday.

Players were put to the test as they played three 30 minute long stanzas to give each member of the African All Stars team a chance to play.

It was no surprise that the home team managed to outplay the visitors from Secunda as the team boasts some of the best players from around Kwatsaduza.

Innocent Mayoyo says as local coaches they came together and agreed on the same idea of having one strong team from Kwatsaduza.

“Our vision is the same and we saw fit that we come together and have one team from our community which has the very best of soccer players,” he says.

Currently the players are busy practising together so they can get used to each other’s style of playing and get used to playing together as a unit.

African All Stars showed off their capabilities and strengths during the match and managed to beat the visitors 3-0.

The match was also set up so coaches could see which players are best suited for which position and what work needs to be done before the league kicks off.

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