Awards for legends

Kwatsaduza – The executive of the Tsamaya League conducted an awards ceremony on Sunday.

The purpose of the initiative was to show appreciation to some of the people who have helped in the development of the league.

Recipients of the certificates on the day included Majaga Mkhwanazi (49), Daniel ‘Dan Dance’ Motswagae (44), Veli ‘Bra Velly’ Mkhuma (62), Buti ‘Msala’ Mofokeng (42) and Morothi’s Place.

“As the executive of Tsamaya, we would like to thank all the people who have helped us get to where we are today.

“The league has become well known and that is all because of its drivers, such as the late James ‘Mkhulu’ Moloto, who had the vision of putting this league where it is now,” says league chairman Joe Moletsane.

He adds that he is impressed as the recipients of these certificates are people who have been a part of the league for over 20 years.

“From here on our plan is that at every tournament, we will hold this ceremony of honouring and thanking people who have contributed to the development of the league.

“Tsamaya is growing daily and has become a brotherhood through which we are able to promote a healthy lifestyle and keeping fit.

“It is, therefore, important to thank the people who have made all this possible,” he adds.

League official George Ngoma also thanked the executive for all their work of ensuring the league keeps growing.

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