RDP wins against City Royal

Kwatsaduza - Tsamaya League supporters flooded the Tlakula Ground to watch RDP and City Royal battle it out for three points.

The game played on Sunday afternoon proved to be the show-stopper for the day, with RDP dominating the first half.

Though both ends put up a strong fight, RDP missed out on numerous chances at goals which could have seen them take an early lead.

However, the immaculate goal-keeping skills of City Royal‘s Sipho Mokgwore stood in their way, as he made sure no goals made it to the net.

About 35 minutes into the game a scuffle broke out on the field between some unhappy players of Royal and the referee, Samuel Majole.

It was, however, unclear whether the referee was sworn at or hit by a player, which caused him to walk off of the pitch.

This put a stop to the match, forcing officials of the league to step in to try and resolve the matter.

After about 10 minutes of the stopped game due to having no referee, Prince Mbonani saved the day by offering to ref the remainder of the match.

The game continued but shortly after, the whistle was blown with the score remaining at 0-0 at half-time.

In the second half players were no closer to bagging any goals as things weren’t getting any easier for either end of the field.

Both sides had their attempts at goals to try take the lead, but it was not to be as players missed out on crucial chances.

This tested both defence lines as players had to be alert in terms of not allowing any mistakes to happen near the goalposts.

But less than five minutes towards the end of the game, RDP captain Jackie Maseko scored the much- needed goal which gave his team bragging rights and a three-point victory.

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