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Kwatsaduza karate team excels at nationals

Kwatsaduza – Young people from the Kwatsaduza Karate Team participated in a tournament that was hosted at Kibler Park over the weekend.

Made up of two local teams, the Tsakane Kyokushinkan Club and the KwaThema Shotokan Karate Club, this team participated in the national tournament made possible by the United World Karate Federation of South Africa.

The team performed exceptionally well, bringing home 16 medals and nine trophies in the Koshiki and Full Contact categories.

“Our young people were competing against other young people from different provinces including the Eastern and Western Cape, North West, Mpumalang and Gauteng.

“We are proud of the way they performed as this is the same team that attended the trials last month and also performed well.

“So far our standard is improving and the team success shows that our local instructors are working hard,” says Shihan Michael Cindi from KwaThema.

He encourages other karate teams around Kwatsaduza to join them, so that they can form one strong and united team.

In addition to that he adds that the tournament also marked the one-year anniversary of the federation and them becoming members of the South African Sports Olympic Committee which is a huge success.

“From this point there will be a selection made of the team which will go to the World Tournament in Dubai, which we are looking forward to in October.

“And in other local developments on Saturday, at Faranani Multipurpose Centre we will have grading which will take place from 9am to 4pm, to promote members from one level to another.

“Thank you also to Ward Clr Shimane Kodisang who has also showed us a lot support,” says Tsakane’s Sensei Linda Ngubane.

Clr Kodisang, who was present to congratulate the team on their success, says it’s good to see young people joining these teams as there has been progress since the team’s number of members has grown and they are winning.

“I’m happy with the progress, as when they started roping me in, they echoed that they wanted to take children off the streets, and it is happening,

“Now the challenge they are faced with is of space, as the area they are using is becoming too small, so I will try to help them in getting a bigger place.”

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