Coaches attend coaching course

Kwatsaduza – A total of 35 local soccer coaches from different teams have moved from the pitch to the classroom for some training that will help them develop the sport in the areas.

The coaches signed up for their D licence coaching course and for the first phase, attended at Germiston from March 18 to 21.

However, the group is now on a break so that they can go back and implement what they have learnt in their teams and to do some research.

“So far we have completed the first phase of the course, which has been very informative, intensive, interactive and different as it is specific to development.

“Through such training, by 2022 SAFA wants to have trained 150 000 coaches as currently only about 10 000 coaches have been trained.

“And what is great about it, is that we are all doing the same course within the different provinces, which means all our players will go through the same development and training,” says head coach of Valencia FC Mhleli Xaba.

The coaches add that the experience has been great for them as they have mingled and networked with other coaches, qualified trainers and former players, among others, while doing their theory and preparing for practicals.

“There is a lot of diversity with the coaches we meet in this course as there are young people, women getting involved in the sport and generation mix, which shows coaching is not just for old men and former players as in the past.

“This shows that SAFA is on the right track, even though the development of our children won’t happen overnight as we need to be actively involved in the sports, as the papers alone mean nothing,” he adds.

To ensure that the second phase of the course is implemented, the coaches will host a festival on April 10 at the KwaThema Stadium, to train kids and help to develop them.

They are inviting local u/11 and u/13 soccer players, boys and girls, to attend.

Players should arrive at the stadium at 8am in their team kit. Parents are also encouraged to come and support their children and to assist with supervision, as 100 players are expected on the day.

Community members are also welcome to bring their stalls to join in the day’s festivities.

Regional technical officer SAFA Ekurhuleni, coach Innocent Mayoyo, says he is very grateful to SAFA and to see such a high number of local coaches participating in this course, as it is shows there’s a bright future for their children, the sport and Kwatsaduza.

“In the end we would love to see people who will go beyond us with the sport,” he says.

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