Volleyball coach heads to national games

Geluksdal - Geluksdal Secondary School's volleyball coach Lucky Tsotetsi (41) has been selected to the regional volleyball team that will represent Gauteng at the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU ) National games in Durban next month.

Tsotesti, who is an English teacher and avid volleyball player, is very active in promoting the sport in local schools and the community.

“I love volleyball and it is unfortunate I only developed a passion for it at a later age, I could have pursued it,” says Tsotetsi.

Tsotsetsi is the Springs District Volleyball chairperson and also led the Geluksdal Secondary School’s volleyball team to victory.

They were crowned district champions in July.

He believes sport also helps children perform well academically and advises his students to participate in sporting codes they are passionate about.

“I encourage learners to engage in sport in order to keep the mind and body busy, this also helps learners stay away from negative influences,” says Tsotetsi.

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