Future soccer star

Duduza - Minenehle 'Mini Cooper' Mthimkhulu (28), embodies the new age soccer player.

With his amazing strength, pace, skill and professionalism, this Duduza native is going far.

His height and speed on the field earned him the name Mini Cooper.

The African All Stars midfielder shows all the traits of a future soccer star.

Minenhle is known as the ‘game maker’ by his fans.

His football career started when he played for Duduza’s Izinyoka FC back in 2007.

After his time with Izinyoka he spread his wings in search for better opportunities.

Mthimkhulu has played for numerous football clubs, including the national development team, Amabinneplass.

His dream is to play nationally and internationally.

“One day I want to play for Bafana Bafana and FC Barcelona,” say Mthimkhulu.

This rising star does not rely solely on his talent, and believes hard work and effort also counts in being a good football player.

The African All Stars player is humbled by all the support he has received from the community of Duduza.

“Those are the people who make me push hard and do my best whenever I’m on the field,” says the Minicooper.

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