Local sportSport

Children learn to swim

Scores of children from KwaThema learn to swim during their free time.

While others swim for fun, Simphiwe Mogafe (8) says he swims because he wants to be a lifeguard one day.

The KwaThema public swimming pool at the KwaThema Sports Complex is where children between the ages of 7 and 18 go to get swimming lessons.

Simphiwe says the swimming lessons that he gets from the swimming instructors helped him realise that hard work will help him reach his dream one day.

“I love swimming and have no doubt that training hard will take me to my success,” Simphiwe said.

Sabelo Gumbi, lifeguard and a swimming instructor, says they train about 150 children on a day.

He explains that parents also visit the swimming pool during school hours to learn to swim.

Gumbi said they work together with the LSEN schools to give swimming lessons to the learners.

He concluded by encouraging Kwatsaduza residents to learn to swim.

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