
Staying warm is the aim of the game

For starters, I prefer winter if I have no commitments which will force me to get up at 5am because like many others, the cold and I just don’t mix.

I don’t know if it is just me or we all go through this, but deciding what to wear every morning is a real struggle.

For starters, I prefer winter if I have no commitments which will force me to get up at 5am because like many others, the cold and I just don’t mix.

Getting through this winter has been extremely difficult.

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It is as if I have completely forgotten how cold this part of the world can get.

You can’t blame me, I have been residing in Pretoria for the past two years and I guarantee you we never experience such extreme weather conditions.

I mean, I do not even own a coat for heaven’s sake.

Either way, allow me to share with you things I have learned this winter, take notes.

Firstly, decide what you are going to wear the night before.

By doing so, you are saving yourself from stressing in the morning and running around like a mad man.

Trust me, I know exactly what I am talking about.

This tip is guaranteed to save you time, and you actually make it on time.

Thank me later.

Also Read: Clothes and a warm meal for Marikana residents

Icy-cold mornings, freezing hands and shivering toes are definitely not cute, nor fun.

Secondly, get yourself a pair of gloves, and keep in mind that winter socks and summer socks are not the same thing.

The aim is to dress warmly.

One last thing, always invest in a coat or a jacket.

You do not have to wait for winter to get yourself one, something I learned the hard way.

You can buy one during the year.

And a good cup of coffee or tea won’t hurt.

Remember to keep warm and avoid getting sick.

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