
OPINION: Why we forgive black men so easily

I have always wondered why it seems easier for a black woman to forgive a black man, over and over.

And how easy it is to hate another black woman passionately.

From the time she is born, a black woman is taught to forgive a black man.

The narrative of the poor working class.

“Forgive your dad for not sticking around long enough to love you.

“But you can hold it against your mother that she left you at your grandmother’s house to hustle.

“Forgive your cousin for molesting you, and stealing your innocence.

“But how could your grandmother not realise that this was happening under her roof?

“We understand if you can’t forgive that.

“Forgive your uncle for constantly reminding how this is not your father’s house.

“But your aunt should have stepped in to play ‘mom’ and she didn’t.

“She is evil.

“Forgive your male teacher for ‘trying his luck’ with you.

“Forgive the guy (all hundreds of them) who touched your butt, just because he can.

“Forgive the father of your children for acting like you created all of this by yourself.

“Forgive your boyfriend for leaving you, and coming back, and lying…

“Forgive men, always.

“Because they are really just incapable of doing the right things.

“It is really not their fault, shame.”

We will never have the will to hold men accountable unless we run out of excuses for them.

Until we admit that they are capable of knowing right for wrong and good from evil.

If not, we will just find reasons to punish women for it.

But women are really as human as men.

Cut ‘em some slack!

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OPINION: Financial priorities for the state

OPINION: Consistency is key

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