TB can affect anyone

I grew up believing that Tuberculosis (TB) is a poor man’s disease.

As if you had to be living in a rat-infested dump to contract it.

And how misinformed was I?

A few years ago a good friend’s 3-year-old daughter contracted TB.

No! How?

Easier than I thought.

This bubble I had formed around myself and the people I hung out with was destroyed.

I realised that we do that, quite a lot, as human beings.

We have this way of excluding ourselves from certain issues based on superficial points.

Contracting TB has nothing to do with what you have or where you live.

You could be sitting at a fancy restaurant and inhale the bacteria as the infected person behind coughs it out.

How would you know?

Maybe they also have no idea.

We are all at risk and the sooner we accept it, the more alert we will be – I hope.

It’s the enemy that never goes away completely.

A simple test can save you a lot of trouble.

Night sweats? Coughing and fever for more than two weeks? Loss of appetite? Weight loss?

Before you help infect someone else, especially those you love, go for testing.

And if you do have it, you will be sorted in six months if you stay on your medication.

None of us are too ‘fresh’ for TB…

By the way, March is TB awareness month.

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