Comfort zones don’t create successful people

I don't know any successful people who did not have to make crazy decisions in order to become that successful.

Most of us have the desire and even the drive to be great at many things.

But we often fail at making the few major decisions that will set us up on that path.

Would you go back to school fulltime in your thirties or forties to get the qualification you always wanted?

Would you quit your day job to start your own business?

Or move to a different province to meet a demand?

Probably not.

The wildest thing most of us have ever done is studying more than 50km away from your parent’s house.

And we ran back as soon as we were done.

It’s called a comfort zone.

We would all rather stay where we are, maybe make little changes, cross our fingers and hope that one day we will produce a miracle.

Even if we starve, as long as we are starving in a familiar environment, we will accept it.

We don’t really want to change our lives.

Nor do we want to explain to those around us why we are making crazy decisions.

Well, that is the trap.

The sum of dissatisfaction about your current state against your fear of change.

So you stay, right where you are every day, and soon your days are up.

Stevie Harvey calls that final decision to do something drastic jumpin’.

He says that most of us are on a cliff, watching successful people fly around, soaring.

But they were in the same position at some stage and they chose to jump, leaving the safety of solid ground.

If you die where you are, will you be proud of you?

So why should we?

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