
Hold your children accountable, without fear

Many parents’ greatest fear is their children. But why are parents so afraid of their children?

Someone once said she is afraid her daughter will give her the silent treatment for weeks if she asks a ‘stupid’ question.

What if not asking leads to a more detrimental outcome?

Children need to be accountable – they just don’t know it.

And we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t hold them accountable.

We have given our children too much space and time and responsibility (I know I had that).

How does your child walk in with a black eye and you don’t ask?

Or have a new weave you didn’t give them money to buy?

Have you asked if he/she is having sex?

Your child ‘looks’ drunk but you can turn a blind eye?

If your child disappears for hours without anyone knowing where he/she is, yeah it’s your business.

We can’t sit in the corner with our fingers crossed and just hope that they don’t make stupid decisions to destroy their lives…

Point is, sometimes parents are in denial, or just embarrassed…

Sometimes they are afraid of the answers they will get if they do ask…

But who ever said this thing would be easy?

There is not one question I wouldn’t ask my children for their own good. In fact, I think the more embarrassing, the greater the chances of me asking it.

Yes, they might lie, they might ‘play’ us, but we need to do our part. Always!

And we need to live right and be good examples. They are watching!

Parenting is tough, but we are tougher!

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