Still battling old year’s resolutions

Run your own race

Every beginning of the year we are encouraged to set new year’s resolutions which are said to help and push us to achieve more throughout the year.

This has become such a common practice that we even write resolutions down and stick them on the refrigerator as a daily reminder to keep at it and not lose focus.

Well, let me not remove myself from this because I have been practicing this tradition without fail throughout the years, but this year I decided not to set any because I started this year on unstable ground.

Oh, by the way, I still promised myself I would lose weight and eat healthily. This the one goal I will one day achieve – if I manage to fight my love for chocolate.

Since we are a month away from crossing over to the new year, I would like to find out whether you have successfully managed to achieve your resolutions and how far you got.

Did you achieve all your new year’s resolutions? How many of the goals did you manage to achieve?

Did you, unlike me, manage to be disciplined and did you keep yourself inside the gym and did you religiously follow your diet?

Did you finally register for that course that you know will help you achieve that promotion at work?

Did you perhaps manage to get your finances in order and save enough money to lobola your long-term sweetheart?

If you have failed to achieve any of your goals, don’t be too hard on yourself. I am sure there is a good reason why you didn’t.

Remember there is still a promise of a tomorrow when you can plan better and come up with ways to tackle the problem and achieve it.

There is no need to compare your goals and achievements to those of your peers. Remember this is journey and the only person who can run it, is you.

Your friends and peers also have their own demons and challenges and they are doing their best to keep at it. Comparing yourself to others will only delay your progress in life.

Run your race at your pace – fall down and while on the ground plan on how you are going to get up and try again. Then when you are ready, go for it and give it your best kick.

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