
One of a kind

November 13 was World Kindness Day.

Yes! There really is such a day.

Although honestly I think that every day should be kindness day – just like every day should be earth day.

The world revolves around kindness.

Just think a bit… if somebody smiles at you or compliments you on something – you feel good. Right?

It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and your whole body feels a little lighter and happier.

Just because you are feeling good about yourself, you might then smile at somebody else involuntarily because you’re in a good mood.

And that might make them smile too.

It’s a chain effect – a good one!

Likewise, if someone yells at you and makes you feel bad, you curl up into a little ball and smart at the injustice of it all.

You are then far more likely to yell at the dog, shove the cat and be mean to the next person you come across.

That’s also a chain effect – a bad one.

Being kind is a mind-set.

It costs nothing and means the world.

If you are a boss, it can be as simple as thanking somebody for a job well done (publicly preferably – remember, thank in public and scold in private).

It does not have to be a hard or complicated job either.

Being nice to people makes them feel valued and then they want to do more. Being nasty makes people think… why should I bother?

It’s crazy when people in charge belittle their staff and then still expect them to perform well.

There’s a guy who owns a restaurant near us and he always yells at his waitrons and treats them like dirt.

Obviously his staff turn-over is very high, yet he still does not get that he himself is the problem.

It’s easy to say to say something nasty or demeaning, but it is even easier to say something nice.

And you don’t have to lie – if you don’t think a dress looks good on someone, you can still say you like the colour or the style.

There are countless ways you can be kind.

Lend a helping hand.

Give a word of encouragement.

Give somebody a letter or a card.

Compliment a stranger.

Or just smile at random people, that also does the trick.

Have a nice day.


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