
Smarty pants

I read some stuff about being smart the other day – with exams coming up we could all probably use a little extra smartness!

English is a strange language because ‘smart’ has four different meanings.

It can mean a person is clever and quick in thought or action.

For example: Mpho is really smart – she passed all her exams.

It could also mean that a person is well-dressed.

For example: Mpho looked really smart in her new outfit.

Another meaning is to feel a sharp, stinging pain.

For example: Mpho’s arm smarted for ages after the wasp stung her.

Lastly, it can mean that you feel annoyed or resentful after being insulted.

For example: Mpho smarted for the whole of break time after Sandile said she was fat.

I want to talk about the first meaning so here are some ways to help make us smarter.

• Ask questions. It really is good to ask if you don’t know or understand something.

• Get some exercise. This is a no-brainer – we know we feel better when we get out into the fresh air and start moving. Cycle, jog, walk briskly, hula hoop…

• Eat healthily. Crunch apples and carrots instead of chips or sweets for snacks.

• Keep a journal. It’s good to sit at the end of the day and reflect on all that has happened. It makes your memory work a bit harder too.

• Learn a new skill. It does not have to be anything fancy – learn to knit, to code, or maybe how to bake. Go nuts and try something new. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

• Hang out with other smart people. This is so true. If you spend time with people who are interesting and interested, you feel smarter too.

• Challenge your brain. Do crossword puzzles or Sudokus. Play memory games.

• Change your routine. Try not to do things the same old boring way every single day – vary the order in which you do things, or eat lunch outside instead of inside. Sit in a different spot at school break. As the saying goes: A change is as good as a holiday.

• Get enough sleep. Do it! Go to sleep at a decent hour. Your body needs time to recover from a busy day.

• Read more. Join a library or swap books with friends. There are also plenty of free eBooks on the internet that are available to read on cell phones too.

Think smart, peeps!


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