Let’s follow the law

Growing up ‘eloskhini’, like most of my peers, I bought a lot of alcohol while I was underage.

Well, I was sent to buy alcohol.

It was never a big deal.

In the township, any older person has the ‘right’ to send you anywhere, as a child.

And you could not really say no.

So the other day someone complained about a tavern owner he alleges is selling alcohol to underage children.

I know it’s illegal, but I also know that the kasi makes its own laws.

This tavern owner, I reckon she has heard many times ‘bangthumile’ (I’ve been sent). Do you think she is selling to children because she thinks they are drinking the alcohol?

I don’t know.

But why are we quick to point fingers when the laws we break, for our convenience, are broken by others?

If it is unlawful for children to buy alcohol, it is unlawful all the days of the week, and all the months of the year, regardless of who sends them.

The only way that society will adhere to regulations is if they are enforced with very few exceptions.

Children also need to know that they can’t use excuses like ‘bangthumile’ the day they want to buy alcohol for their own pleasure.

And how will children respect the law when they are raised by adults who do not?

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