Are we getting the best service?

Is it possible that some of our frustrations towards what we perceive as incompetence from the police are a result of not actually knowing how they are meant to serve us?

What is the work of the police? The priorities and processes.

A few months ago, a taxi plunged into a friend’s car while I was waiting to take off at the stop sign.

When the driver stepped out he was visibly ‘drunk’.

And after trying to ‘wipe off’ the dent with a cotton cloth he fled the scene.

As a good citizen I went to the police station to make a statement.

And that was the last I heard of it.

Someone else advised I was supposed to go ‘check’ on the investigation every week.

Well, I might as well just do the investigation myself then.

But we did and it took less than a week to find the owner of the vehicle.

I know that many people have had much worse experiences, mine was less hectic.

So I beg to ask, after any citizen lays a complaint with the police and walks out of the police station, where does that file go?

What is the reasonable period to wait before there is any feedback available?

For what it’s worth, I hope there is not a dusty cabinet in a dark corner somewhere.

I really want to believe that we are getting the best service there is to offer, but I am struggling.

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