National Park Week is actually ‘a thing’

I don’t know how I didn’t know this before, but I just found out that National Parks Week is actually a ‘thing’.

Since 2006, South Africans have been getting free access to its national parks for a week to raise awareness of conservation and showcase the country’s natural beauty.

South African National Park week is from 18 to 24 September.

And SANParks said its 19 national parks, including the Kruger National Park and Table Mountain, will grant free admission to both local and international tourists.

So why are we not at Kruger?

Because we didn’t know.

Point is, this beautiful country is part of our heritage, and we should pay more attention to the opportunities we have to explore it.

This could be one of the best ways to celebrate Heritage Day and the long weekend.

Or I am just cheap and I like free things?

How about we just start planning for next year?

This free access does not include accommodation in the national parks, only day passes.

No, wait, how do you feel about the fact that tourists come from all over the world to explore treasures that we take for granted?

It cannot be right.

I am going to get a list of these parks and put them on my bucket list (if I can find it). Asiphumeni sishay’we wumoya bakithi (Let’s go out and get some air).

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