My hair ain’t my politics

A little while ago I watched Chris Rock’s Good Hair.

It is a documentary about the multi billion dollar hair care industry, focusing mainly on relaxers and weaves.

An industry largely funded by black women’s insatiable need for straighter, longer hair.

“How a black woman wears her hair makes a political statement, whether she is aware of it or not,” commented one of the women interviewed.

That stuck with me.

The history of ‘black hair’, just like the history of most things, can not be divorced from imperialism.

The long and short of it is that black people were ‘persuaded’ to fashion their hair after white people’s hair to look more beautiful.

So, during most revolutions people of African descent would wear their hair in ways that rebelled against the standards set by imperialist governments, with styles like afros and dreadlocks.

I stopped relaxing my hair when I was about 13.

Nope, I did not experience a huge revelation about how I was betraying my heritage, or anything close to that.

Relaxing was just more expensive than washing so, because I’m a smart girl, I just saved my pocket money.

And, I liked the texture and appearance of my natural hair.

Unfortunately, like most black girls, I don’t even remember the first time I had a relaxer in my hair.

Our hair just got fried without our consent (relaxers contain some pretty dangerous chemicals, especially for small children).

Although I had ‘natural’ when I watched the documentary, it still made me challenge the motives for the state of my hair.

Why do I have to comb my hair?

I don’t have a tender scalp or anything, but combing my hair has always been a mission.

The word ‘coarse’ does not even begin to describe its texture.

So, about three years ago, I quit combing my hair.

I now wear my hair in locks.

Most people call them dreadlocks, but I don’t because I don’t ‘dread’ them.

I’m not sure what political statement the way I wear my hair makes.

What I do know is this is the best, healthiest and most beautiful state it has ever been in.

My hair likes being wrapped up so I will not stand in its way.

I will probably never comb my hair again.

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