Celebrating Life!

May 22 is International Day for Biological Diversity.

Huh? I hear you say.

Those are long words and what do they have to do with me?

Well … they have a lot to do with us all.

If we break up the words – starting with diversity – what it means is that there are different types of things.

Like there are different … colours, opinions, shoes, people, dogs, cats, birds, buildings, houses, clothes … you get the meaning.

Biological diversity, simply put, means that there are different variations and types of all things living.

Every single thing – from humans, animals, vegetation, aquatic life, insects – anything that you can think of that is living, falls under this category.

Imagine if we only had one specific type of tree that grew everywhere.

Or there were only grey cats.

Or there was only one kind of flower.

Imagine if everybody looked the same.

Life would be horrendously boring don’t you think?

So, in actual fact, May 22 is really one of the most important days because we are celebrating life!

We are inviting everybody to join our world-wide event and read “Sibo Likes Life” free of charge on the website.

It’s really easy – all you do is visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1182240601903766/ or you can simply visit Sibo’s website (https://www.sibo.co.za) on May 22 and 23 (the book will only be freely available for these two days) and click on the cover of the book on my bookshelf.

If you find it does not download, you might have to try using a different browser.

It might also give ideas of what you can do to help celebrate life, not only on May 22 but every single day.

We’d love to hear from you.

You could plant some flowers or veggies or even a tree.

Or get a group of people together and help clean up a messy area.

Or if planting or cleaning is not your thing, you could volunteer at the local SPCA or animal shelter and play with the cats, or talk to the dogs that are homeless and would adore having some love and attention.

You could make a bird feeder for your garden and enjoy watching all the different types of birds that start using it.

Or just go for a walk and enjoy looking at all the different trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers, birds, and insects that you see along the way.

Life is precious – take time to stop and sniff the daisies!


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