Concentrate on your own race

I often hear people saying that they wish life came with a manual to help them navigate their challenges.

This would mean that, like a navigator, the manual would tell you when to turn, how long the storm is expected to last, and the shortest route to your destination, for instance, hitting the jackpot or landing your dream job.

We would also have ready solutions to the problems we face. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Unfortunately, this is not the case in the real world.

We are all forced to toughen up and face the storm head on, find ways to overcome it or helplessly allow it to swallow us and be left down and out.

Remember, life is the best teacher. When you fall you don’t have to spend decades concentrating on the same problem.

You move on or retrace your steps and try again until you win. There is no time to spend crying over spilt milk.

You also should not compare your race with the next person’s.

I say you cannot use another person’s experience as a deciding factor in your life.

You don’t know what the person you are comparing yourself to had to sacrifice, or the number of times they failed before reaching where they are.

For example, one would say men are difficult or that mathematics is a difficult subject to crack.

If that is the case, then why do we have women who have been happily married for decades?

And just because some else finds mathematics difficult doesn’t mean that you will too.

How did others get it right if apparently no one could crack it?

Why should you feel that you are not good enough to succeed, just because you are measuring yourself against the next person’s life experiences?

I say, look at the positive and adopt it. If it works for you, good. And if doesn’t, it is not a train smash.

Remember, we all have our own races to run. Don’t cut your dreams short because someone else is discouraging you.

Stay focused!

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