
Initiative vs Imagination

There is one thing in this life that nobody can take away from you and that’s your imagination.

Imagine that! (hee hee – what a funny girl I am.)

Seriously though – the things that go on in your head belong to you and you alone.

You can be sitting in class, imagining that your teacher is wearing a clown suit, with a funny red wig and a big squidgy nose that honks when you touch it.

Your teacher will never know.

Unless you got so caught up in your imagination and started laughing out loud in the middle of class… then you might be in a bit of trouble.

Of course, I’m not saying that you should not pay attention in class – that would be just silly.

Imagination is like having a brilliant kaleidoscope in your head that flicks from thing to thing. You can be seeing lots of things at once, or you can concentrate on only one thing.

You can look at a nice grassy picture with a tree with a swing and imagine what it would be like to sit on that swing.

Feel the breeze whooshing through your hair, feel the grass tickling your toes (oh wait – you first have to imagine that you kicked your shoes off…) moving your legs back and forth to make the swing go higher and higher…

Initiative is what makes you go off and build your own swing!

Imagination is the stuff that makes us grow and reach and do things that we never believed possible.

Initiative is what makes it happen.

Imagine you decide that you want to become a rocket scientist and fly off into space and discover exciting new things.

What’s to stop you from doing that? You have to get through school.

And take the right subjects to be able to study rocket science.

It takes initiative to figure out how you are going to manage going to university – but if you set your mind to it, there is literally nothing to stop you actually doing it.

You just have to have the initiative to make a plan and imagine that it will work out.

All too often people squash something in their imagination because they don’t have the initiative to make it a reality.

They slide into doing something easier that does not always make them happy.

Don’t be one of those people.

Let your imagination fly and your initiative take you to great heights.


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