
Positive energy leads to long life

We are often bombarded by motivational messages encouraging us to adopt a positive mind-set but how often do we put this into practice?

How often do we accommodate negative thoughts?

Did you know that your thoughts and emotions can impact on your physical health?

We spend a lot of time concentrating on things that are not going our way without finding ways around the problem.

If you are entertaining negative thoughts this simply means that you are channelling a negative energy into your system.

This could lead to health complications like chronic stress which upsets the body.

We tend to give up on things with the first encounter with a challenge.

We opt to take the simplest way out by giving up because we doubt our strength and fear failing.

There is nothing wrong with failing to achieve a goal.

Some of the most successful people in the world failed but never gave up.

They fought hard for their dreams until they made it.

They never threw in the towel and labelled themselves as losers.

They are still working and fighting to the core to keep their dreams alive.

An upset body is not productive; nothing good comes out of a negative mind-set.

Have you ever thought of adopting a positive life-style?

This comes free; all you need to do is occupy yourself with positive thoughts.

This will manifest into leading a positive life and attract positive energy.

It will boost your well-being and makes you glow with health and it will rub off on the people around you.

This should be taken as a learning curve.

Take a few steps back, evaluate where you went wrong and try to work on the problem again.

Start believing in your own strength and push harder with tears in your eyes until you succeed.

We are all born winners.

The journey to success is not paved on a smooth road but there will always be thorns and turbulence but hold on.

Positive energy boosts well-being and makes you glow with health.

Your positive vibes impact on everyone around you.

Always aim for a good day, and challenge yourself to get on the positive side of every grey middle zone.

Look yourself in the mirror every morning and tell yourself that you are beautiful, talented and a winner.

The positive attitude will bring good in your life.

When the going gets tough, toughen up.

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