
Ensure children are safe these holidays

Kwatsaduza – The academic year has come to an end for our learners.

And though this becomes an exciting time for most of them, it’s not all parents who’re fortunate enough to spend this time with their children.

It’s therefore imperative for parents who won’t be home, to ensure that they make provision, so their children can be under constant adult supervision.

So either send them to spend time with relatives, or ask an adult who you trust to come to your home and look after them.

This is to aim to avoid that your children become vulnerable or victim to abuse, rape, abduction, alcohol or substance abuse, among other threats.

To ensure that your children have a safe holiday, teach your children your important details – such as your name and contact numbers.

Make sure that you or their adult supervisor, don’t drink too much when looking after the children.

Know who their friends are; their friends parents contact numbers and where they stay.

Be familiar with where they normally play and communicate with them throughout the day.

Have a curfew, so that your children know when and at what time, they’re expected to be home.

If your children are maybe younger than eight, have a bracelet, necklace or place where they can always have their name and your details.

Educate them on the dangers of talking to strangers, or accepting gifts from them.

Teach them signs of danger and abuse and what they can do, when they feel like they’re in trouble.

If your children will be going to parties, make sure that you contact the parents of their friends hosting the party, so you know when and where it’ll be.

And if possible, if you’ll be allowing them to go there, maybe drop them off yourself and collect them.

On the other hand, if you’ll be going with your little ones to the parks or malls, have a safety talk with them before you leave your home.

Make sure that you always keep an eye on them.

Don’t let your children be out of reach.

Don’t leave them outside a shop or the toilets to wait for you – instead, rather take them inside.

Dress little ones in bright clothes, so you can spot them easily.

Always keep recent photos of them with you, so that you can get help easily – should something happen to them.

Don’t leave them to be cared for by someone who you don’t know, or don’t trust.

Make sure that you avoid leaving your child in the care of another child, as that could still put both of them in danger.

Don’t leave your children sitting alone in the car.

Lastly, let’s love and protect them.

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