We have to save more water!

We recently received a letter from Rand Water, saying that it will be reducing its supply by 15%, in order to try to conserve water.

This means that we all have to make a plan to save more water.

I know many of us already save water and think that there is not much more we can do, but if you think carefully about it, there probably is.

Here are some reminders of the easy ways to save.

Shower for five minutes or less.

No more of those long hot soaks in the bath where the water sloshes around your chin and you pull out the plug every so often to let some water out, so that you can top it up with nice, hot water. Nope!

A short shower is the way to go.

Anyway – it’s summer now so that is not really a problem – is it?

Wash your dishes in a basin with the plug in.

If you have a dishwasher, don’t rinse them with running water either.

Rather use a basin of water.

Yes, I know it’s a pain – but do it anyway, please.

Wash your car with a bucket.

Many South Africans are obsessed with having clean cars – I think that’s so silly – I mean – they just get dirty again.

Why bother – as long as you can see through the windows – that’s all that counts.

Check that your taps are not dripping or leaking.

Kids can check and report to their parental agents.

Remember to check the taps outside, too.

If you are staying in a hotel – reuse your towel.

Good heavens!

It’s not like you get a spiffy clean towel at home every day, is it?

So don’t expect one in a hotel either.

Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.

Yes, really – it’s not hard to do – it’s just a mind-set.

Same goes for when you wash your hands.

Run a little bit of water with the plug in.

In fact – do an experiment – you know how I always like doing experiments.

Waste a bit of water just once.

Put the plug in, but leave the tap running when you brush your teeth… you’ll be horrified at how much water you have been wasting every single day.

Please people – let’s save more water.


PS – Did you know that you can invite Manzi and the Water Wise education team to your school – free of charge.

It’s a 25-minute show and it’s really fun.

I know – I’ve seen it myself!

Email Waterwise@randwater.co.za

PPS – You can read Sibo Saves Water on www.sibo.co.za – free of charge, too!

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