
Sibo gets organised!

Feh! After just a few days of school I am missing the holidays already.

Mind you, it was really nice to see all my friends again and I do like learning new stuff.

I decided to be more organised this term.

Often I used to scatter my school stuff all over the house and then sometimes land up in class without a book I need or I’d forget my sports clothes or something else important.

So I asked my parental agents if I could have a table in my room so that I can do my homework there instead of in the kitchen.

Dad found one at a second-hand store and sanded it down for me.

We painted it a nice bright pink and now it looks really great.

Funny, but I feel more motivated to sit down and work at my nice desk.

I also keep all my books lined up against the wall.

I pinched two of mum’s nice round stones from the garden and painted them the same pink as my desk so that I can put them either side of the books so they don’t fall over.

I covered an old tin with a page from a magazine that I liked and I’m keeping all my spare pens, pencils and rulers all neat and tidy in one place, so I can find them.

I even have a diary so that I can write down all the important things that I need to remember and diarise dates.

My next project is to make a noticeboard that I can put up above my desk, so that I can pin stuff to it.

When I finally make it I’ll share details with you all too – in case you want to have a nice, tidy, inviting workspace too.

When I get home from school each day I first have a snack.

Then I get changed and hang up my school uniform all nice and tidy for the next day.

Instead of procrastinating as much as possible before doing my homework, I am trying to do it straight away.

Then I can reward myself with some TV time or go have fun working in my veggie garden or riding my bike.

So far it’s been working rather well, but then again, we’ve only been back at school for a few days.

We’ll see how long it lasts!


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