
Set your own rules

A lot of people have the concept that for one to have wealth you should be ruthless or better yet, evil.

I’m not quite sure about that notion though, I just believe if you want to be successful in anything you shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself, have boundaries and do exactly what you want. We spend too much time worrying how we treat other people or how people are going to perceive us when we make certain decisions.

In my years of living I’ve come to realise that if you are not honest with yourself, you are actually cheating yourself out of happiness and truest potential.

I know morals have made us creatures who worry too much about what society has marked as morally right or acceptable; which for me shouldn’t be the guidelines for how you live your life.

In all honesty, morals and principles one lives by should be set by the individual and no one else. How dare we think the next person’s morals are of lesser value than ours?

One might believe that money comes before anything, and one should do anything in their power to be successful; that’s how I would want to define my own existence, right?

Then my dear friend from church would beg to differ and debate to say we need to seek the kingdom of God before earthly riches.

No one is right or wrong here, everyone is obligated to exercise their beliefs and live by them.

Society will have you thinking you are such a monster because you have decided to live a particular way and do things differently than them.

In my time reading and coming in contact with people who have left me inspired; the one thing I have learnt is that all these great people did things their own way.

They chased whatever it is that made them happy and automatically they found themselves successful.

Mind you, success isn’t only measured in monetary value.

We are all different creatures who yearn for different things in this life, so it is futile and of no use to take someone’s idea of what they make success and make it yours.

We all have an ultimate plan that we need to execute before we leave this planet and it is different for all of us.

So don’t waste your time trying to fit in, trying to be socially acceptable.

You can never please society or the world.

Do you and thrive in whatever it is you want in your life.

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