Crime needs to fall

Kwatsaduza – Gone are the days when children would feel safe playing in the streets and you would feel safe taking a jog in the evening.

In today’s society you are constantly at risk of being a crime victim.

The crime rate in our community is escalating and we are feeling more helpless by the day.

Every day you read and hear about fellow citizens killed or harmed, and you wonder what in the world is happening.

Crime is our biggest issue in this country and it is time we took a stand and worked together to combat this situation.

I mean, how can you say you are free when you actually don’t even feel safe in your own home?

The other day I was babysitting my niece while my family went to a church service.

Mind you, this was during the day but, boy, I locked every entrance of my home.

It dawned on me that I’m actually a prisoner in my own home merely because of people who think it is OK to barge into someone’s home and do as they please.

What happened to people having a conscience? Yes, I get that many young people in South Africa are unemployed, which means they are vulnerable and would do anything for food or an income.

But we can no longer justify criminal activities with the high unemployment rate and substance abuse.

It makes me sick to my stomach every time I hear someone try and defend a criminal by saying, “People are poor and need to eat – that’s why they end up involved in criminal activities.”

What happened to asking for help or doing odd jobs so you can eat?

Yes, many come from disadvantaged backgrounds and no one at home has a source of income, but does that give them the right to walk into a shop and steal groceries?

No! That cannot be the kind of mentality we should be instilling in our children.

Crime is crime, no matter what the reason behind it is.

What really worries me is the young generation that is exposed to such malicious behaviour.

Our children can no longer be children, because they have to be monitored at all times. Even when they are playing at a friend’s house you get extremely paranoid.

I mean, where are we going as a society and how much longer can we keep up with this issue?

People have died and more people fall victim to crime every minute of the day. What we owe to the younger generation is to create a safe and healthy environment.

Let’s all do our bit in fighting this social ill.

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