
Back to school

Sjoe! I can’t believe that the holidays are over and it’s school time again.

This year started out a tad on the sucky side. I overslept and mum had to come and wake me up the first day.

I had set my alarm clock because Wayne and I wanted to get to school long before the bell rang.

Somehow I did not set the alarm properly and instead of waking up nice and early to get ready peacefully and calmly – I ended up being in a big fat rush.

First I buttoned my shirt up wrongly and then I could not find my socks.

Totally ridiculous because I knew I had put them out the night before.

They were all neat and tidy on my chair with the rest of my uniform. In my hurried scramble they had rolled off under my desk.

I had to grovel around to find them which took extra time.

I ended up snarfing down a piece of toast for breakfast instead of sitting quietly and enjoying my cornflakes.

Plus I forgot to pack in my lunch and mum had to come charging down the garden path in her dressing gown.

This really annoyed her. She does not like going outside unless she is properly dressed.

Wayne was standing at the gate tapping his toes.

He too was not impressed that I was late.

We thought about running but then remembered that it’s not good to run in case you trip and land up in the road.

So we walked really fast.

It was great to see our friends again.

There were also some new kids lurking around on the outskirts of the hubbub going on in the playground.

They looked all shy and insecure.

Shame – it’s horrible to be a new kid at school and not know anybody.

Wayne, Lizzie and I went and chatted to them.

Turned out that one of the new guys is in our class and he’s really nice.

It’s great to know that there is a whole year ahead of us where we can learn new things, meet new people and do different exciting stuff.

Our new teacher is quite nice too.

Hope your first day at school was good.

See you next week.


Cool word of the week.

Word: Hubbub

Meaning: A noisy situation

Example: The hubbub in the classroom quietened down when the new teacher walked in.

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