
Save for the future

Kwatsaduza – Getting into the culture of saving has never been an easy thing for most people.

But the truth is, we need to save in order to have money for any emergency needs that might occur before pay day.

Most of us were taught about saving for the future and only realise the importance of it when we face financial problems.

I remember when I was in primary school and my Grade Six class teacher told us about the importance of saving and budgeting, even though you are not running a business.

Imagine you are laid off at work and have bills to pay and things to do, only to find that your last pay cheque cannot cover all your expenses.

If you had saved money all those years you were working, you could at least live from your savings for a couple of months, until you get a another job or start up your own business.

The problem is, we tend to take saving lightly, because we think certain things will never happen to us.

Well, the truth is anything is possible and it is easier to solve a problem when you have money in the bank.

Saving and living within your means is an essential principle that we need to teach each other as a community; moreover, we need to instil it in the youth of today.

Every child needs to know the value of money and understand that it is a very important element of one’s life.

Money is the one thing that gives a person a sense of independence and allows them to live a lifestyle they want.

We often see people on social media, boasting about living a flamboyant lifestyle, and we don’t see them talking about saving for the future.

The unfortunate thing about not teaching yourself to save at an early age is that it becomes very difficult for you to do so when you reach adulthood. Starting with small amounts is the best way to teach yourself to save.

I believe if you start saving the loose change you get from your daily needs and count how much you have saved by the end of the month, it can motivate you to start saving every month.

Saving for tomorrow is far better than spending for today.

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